A Beginner’s Guide to A Very Low-Calorie Diet

Obesity is a worldwide problem that people continuously find solutions to. As of now, there are a lot of scientifically-proven ways for one to achieve weight loss. So whether you’re trying to lose weight for the sake of your health or just to increase your confidence, this article might be of interest to you. 

What is VLCD or Very Low-Calorie Diet?

A Beginner’s Guide to A Very Low-Calorie Diet

This weight loss technique was first discovered in the 1970s. This was first used on patients who had a BMI of 30 or higher. These people needed to lose weight quickly because of the health consequences that come with obesity. 

By definition, a very low-calorie diet or VLCD is a meal plan or diet that promotes rapid weight reduction by limiting the patient’s calorie consumption to only 500-800 calories a day. This is generally done by replacing one or two of his usual daily meals with healthy smoothies or protein shakes.

Is the Very Low-Calorie Diet Safe for Everyone?

Unfortunately, a very low-calorie diet is not safe for everyone. For people with a BMI of 30 or greater, VLCD is safe but requires medical supervision. If you aren’t obese but you have a BMI of 27-30, you’re categorized as overweight. 

It’s highly suggested that you only proceed with VLCD if your weight is affecting your health negatively. If it hasn’t come to such a point, then there are other safer ways to achieve weight loss

A Beginner’s Guide to A Very Low-Calorie Diet

IMPORTANT: This diet is unsafe for lactating and pregnant women. It’s important that even children and growing teens stay away from this diet. Seniors or people who are experiencing poor health due to old age are also prohibited from adopting the very low-calorie diet. Other people who should avoid VLCD are those who are perfectly healthy and only mildly obese.

Benefits of a Very Low-Calorie Diet

Aside from significant weight loss, there are other benefits that a very low-calorie diet can bring.

High Effectivity

Low-calorie diets have shown promising results over the years. This has been recommended by doctors whose patients have failed to reduce body fat using other techniques. The VLCD is classified as a last resort for those patients who really need to lose weight.

Lower Plasma Glucose

VLCD has been proven to lower sugar levels or blood glucose. When these numbers are low, it is less likely for the body’s unused glucose to accumulate and turn into fat.

Better Digestive Health

A Beginner’s Guide to A Very Low-Calorie Diet

Substituting one or two meals a day with liquid smoothies can help you achieve better digestive health. This gives the body time to clean the colon and relieve constipation. Your metabolic system will also work more efficiently and convert excess calories into energy.

Flushing Out Toxins

When you start VLCD, you basically replace all your solid meal choices with liquid juices that have rich nutritional value. These liquid juices are usually comprised of fruits and other naturally healthy ingredients that work as great antioxidants. These antioxidants rid the body of harmful free radicals, which eventually lead to weight reduction.

Making a Good VLCD Smoothie

Drinks for patients who are under the Very Low-Calorie Diet are usually free from sugar or any artificial sweetener. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a glass of delicious smoothie just because you need to lose weight.  

You can make an effective, detoxifying smoothie by combining spinach, green grapes, celery, ginger and frozen pineapple chunks in a blender or food processor. Don’t forget to add a cup of water and lemon juice to achieve the right consistency and get additional flavor. 

If you don’t want your VLCD smoothie to feel like a punishment or taste like pure greens, just add the right amount of our Purisure All-Natural Stevia. It’s a highly concentrated, zero-calorie sweetener that can add flavor to all of your smoothies while you’re under the very low-calorie diet. 

You can also try the Purisure Sucralose Powder, it’s 600 times sweeter and way healthier than your regular sugar.

Following the very low-calorie diet requires you to eat fewer calories and eat more food with more nutritional value. You can help supplement the nutrients from your food by taking 3g of Purisure Spirulina Powder just once or twice a day. Simply add it to your protein shake and enjoy!











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