Go Further Into Your Workout Without Fatigue

You wake up one morning feeling unbearable muscle pain after a heavy workout the previous day. You try to get up and have breakfast but the pain in your limbs make it difficult for you to even go down the stairs. Can this pain be managed?

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, post-workout muscle soreness after a series of weight lifts, cardio, or even yoga is a natural after-effect. Depending on the intensity of your training, you can get various levels of pain and fatigue. The pain is usually caused by muscle micro-tears that happen after the workout. The healing of these micro-tears give way to the formation of new muscles, and that’s how your muscles grow.

But did you know that there are strategies you can apply so you can handle post-workout fatigue? It’s time to get into action and achieve your fitness goals without having to deal with excessive pain.

Workout Fatigue Is Normal

Workout Fatigue Is Normal

Fatigue is a normal side effect of fitness workouts. As you perform certain routines, you may notice that you struggle to continue as you approach the end of the session. The physical and mental exhaustion is the result of all the tension put into your body tissues and muscles. While this discomfort is the body’s natural response to strenuous physical activity, signaling you that your system has reached its limit, a variety of factors may be the underlying cause, including:

  • Dehydration
  • Overtraining
  • Too much sugar and carbs
  • Anemia
  • Medication

Tips On Minimizing Fatigue During Workout

1. Maintain A Balanced Diet

Maintain a balanced diet

This is perhaps the most important tip for any fitness program. A balanced meal includes proteins, fruits, vegetables, and the right amount of carbohydrates. These nutrients will make sure that the body’s glycogen levels are in the right amount. Glycogen is the primary energy source the body uses to sustain intense activity, and since it is depleted during exercise, make sure you maintain stable levels of glycogen to recover better and so that your tissues are repaired well.

Add lean protein and healthy fats to your diet, as well as various types of fruits and vegetables. Refrain from food high in calories because they can lead to poor performance, and never skip meals.

2. Mind Your Pre-Workout Habits

Mind your pre-workout habits

What you do during the hours before you exercise can influence how your body responds during and after the session. Never underestimate the pre-workout habit, from eating the right amount of food to warming up. Avoid working out on a full stomach or on a completely empty stomach. You may eat within an hour before your routine, enough to fuel your muscles during the exercise. Pre-workout meals may include a whole banana, a vegetable sandwich, or a glass of low fat milk.

Don’t forget to warm up so you can prepare your muscles, tune up your metabolic rate, and increase your body temperature.

3. Stay Hydrated

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is one of the primary causes of fatigue. It also leads to muscle cramps, heat stroke, and increased risks of injury, so supply yourself with water before and during the session. Drink around 20 ounces of liquid two hours prior, and around eight ounces every 15 minutes. For longer workouts, drink high-electrolyte water or sports drinks.

4. Avoid Overtraining

Avoid overtraining

If you feel stressed out after the exercise, you may be pushing yourself too hard. Overtraining can push the body beyond its limit to the point of losing stamina and risking injury. It’s important to progress your training gradually. For beginners, start exercising with a resistance that your body can handle. For experienced individuals, vary the workout by mixing up high-interval training with circuits, spinning, yoga, dance classes, or jogging.  

It’s also important to keep track of your heart rate. An increased heart rate is usually an indication that you’re not giving time for your body to recover during the exercise. Moreover, be wary of your schedule. Working out early in the morning and choosing to hit the gym before the sun sets are two entirely different things, even if you do the same routines. Our body responds differently to every time and situation.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Get enough sleep

Sleep and performance affect one another in countless of ways, and insufficient sleep is linked to weight gain and fatigue. Make sure to get a full night’s sleep the night before your scheduled reps and sets take advantage of your rest day to recuperate.

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